Lunar Eclipse

My son Daniel got a telescope for Christmas, so when there was going to be a lunar eclipse Taunya woke him up at 5:30 am to look at it.  Unfortunately, with slight haze from light clouds and a very dim moon, it was difficult to see much detail with his telescope.  I then thought I …


Lisa and Victor Wedding

I had the great privilege to photograph the wedding of two friends, Lisa and Vic, a couple Saturdays ago, on October 7th, 2017. It was a beautiful ceremony and reception.  I wanted to post the formal photos while I still am working on the 750 photographs I took that day. πŸ™‚ Here are a few …


Fall Colors

I knew the two long driveways to the house we are renting would be spectacular once fall colors hit.  When I got home from church, and saw that the colors were just about perfect, I didn’t want to risk waiting another week. Ella tagged along as my model πŸ™‚  Love having a daughter that likes …


Yakima Area Arboretum

Since I am going to be doing some wedding photographs at the Yakima Arboretum this coming Saturday, I wanted to check out the location.  My daughter Ella was a good sport for tagging along to be my model. The Arboretum consists of 46 acres of gardens and trees with lots of grassy areas.  We followed …


Solar Eclipse 2017

Early Monday morning on August 21st, I headed out planning to drive to Shaniko, OR to watch the solar eclipse.  I was planning on leaving at about 2:30 am, but when I set my alarm I set it for pm instead of am…..Fortunately, for me, Taunya woke up at 3:45 am and woke me up. …


Spring in the Yard

Earlier this year I took an evening and walked around our yard and took some photographs of the new life happening. I love this shot of the new leaves being back-lit by the setting sun down the long drive way.  The difficult thing was picking the right focal length for the shot.  To wide and …


WVJH 8th Grade Band

Here are the photographs of the 8th grade concert that followed the 7th grade concert on the 12th of June.  My son Nathan plays the trumpet and is on the left side of the band.   Nathan’s favorite song to play was Bear Necessities.  They had a few solo players separated on the side of …
