Over the last decade I have used the excuse of having a midlife crisis for making a few “unwise”, or “frivolous” purchases. The number of these purchases vary depending on if you ask me or if you ask my wife, Taunya…… I’m sure I will continue to use this excuse for the next decade as well 🙂
Since purchasing The Mistress in mid August, I hadn’t had an opportunity to photograph her. After taking photographs of the fall colors along the driveways I thought they would also make a great back drop for some portrait shots.
On the long straight driveway.
On a curved section.
Ella wanted me to include a picture of the small tree frog we saw as well. 🙂
Unfortunately I didn’t get its eye in focus. This is very hard to do with macro photography since the depth of field is so narrow. A lot of the time to get the whole subject in focus you actually have to use multiple images and do what is called focus stacking.
Here is the complete gallery.