WVJH 7th Grade Band

My son Christian plays in the West Valley Junior High 7th grade band.  It is a large, very talented band.  They had a concert on June 12th over at the high school.  It was a combined show with the 8th grade band in which my son Nathan plays.  I haven’t finished editing the photos from …



A couple of Sundays ago we noticed a “dog” we didn’t recognize out in the field by our house.  I thought it might be a coyote so we got the binoculars and took a look.  Sure enough it was a coyote hunting field mice. So I ran downstairs and got my camera to get some …


Larsen Family Portraits

It had been over 3 years since all of our family was together.  Our previous family portrait was taken in 2012!  So we were anxious for an update.  Well, I wasn’t very anxious to have my picture taken since I’m not the svelt man I was 20 years ago…..oh well such is the aging process …



Saturday morning I took the opportunity to photograph some of the humming birds that come to our feeders in the yard.  There is a short window of time in the mornings where the sun shines through the trees and illuminates the hummingbird feeders.  Of course as usual when I look out at the feeders there …


Dancing With the Bear Cubs 2017

On the 8th of February 2017 Red Hill Elementary held their annual dance competition called Dancing with the Bear Cubs.  My son Daniel and daughter Ella were fortunate enough to be chosen to participate. Kassie and Daniel Foxtrot ISO 3200 155mm f/3.5 1/200sec Ella and Diego Salsa ISO 3200 125mm f/3.5 1/200sec Lupita and Daniel …
