Mann Lake Sunset

When your life is filled with clouds and stormy weather remember that the best and most beautiful sunrises and sunsets are those filled with clouds and storms.  Be a sun and let your best self shine forth through the clouds!-Jason Unfortunately the most beautiful light of the day is so fleeting.  I was out wading in Mann Lake fishing when the sun …


Anything Goes

This past weekend, March 21st-24th, the Yreka High school put on the musical Anything Goes.  I attended the sunday performance and it was awesome!  The music, choreography and performance were excellent.  The Director/Choreographer was Vrenda Lee.  Musical Director was Eric Seiler.  The producer/technical director was Lynda Barnett.  The stage manager was Emily Andrus. Liz Henson played the lead as Reno Sweeny, an …


Creek Fishing

Today two of my friends, David and Matt, and I took off for an afternoon of creek fishing.  The sun was shining, but the wind was blowing and with the increased altitude it was  a little on the chilly side.  Both David and Matt had some success, me on the other hand was successful at lots of …


Lighthouses and Elk

The Monday of our Presidents day weekend vacation get away was going to be our travel day back home along the Oregon coast following Hwy 101.  Before we left Florence I wanted to get a few more shots in so I got up early and headed out to Heceta Head lighthouse. There are usually some sea lions out …


Camp Ester Applegate

The boy scouts of Troop 58 went up to Camp Ester Applegate in the lake of the woods area on February 22nd and 23rd.  I had the opportunity to go am pick them up and spend saturday with them.  It had snowed about 8 inches over night so the road was snow packed and treacherous. …


Sweet Creek Falls

Sunday in Florence after Taunya and I walked along the beach again we went searching for Sweet Creek falls just outside of Mapleton next to Florence OR.  Luckily it was the weekend because they are doing construction on the Sweet Creek road and usually only allowing traffic through for 5 minutes every hour.   After …


Pinewood Derby 2013

Tonight was the Pinewood Derby for Pack 58.  It was a great event with 12 cub scouts racing against each other and 11 siblings/parents racing in the rust bucket category. I was anxious to try out my new 85mm 1.8g lens so I took it to take the photos.  i wish in retrospect I would have brought …


Silver and Golden Falls

Silver Falls Taunya and I took the opportunity to escaped for a long weekend vacation up to Florence, OR.  We had some common goals in mind like relaxing and spending time together.  Her other goals were to sleep in and read.  I on the other hand wanted to take as many photographs as possible!  I especially enjoy …


Shasta Valley Wildlife Refuge

The Shasta Valley Wildlife Refuge is located in between Montague, CA and the Shasta Valley.   I usually go out to this refuge for the fly fishing on Trout Lake and Bass Lake.    I’ve seen pheasants here before but didn’t see any this day. I was using my D7000 with my Nikon 300mm F/4 lens.  I had …


Nikon 300mm f/4 Review

Ever since I took the excursion over to the Lower Klamath NWR to photograph the wildlife I have been wanting to purchase the Nikon 300mm f/4 to make wildlife photography more enjoyable.  I read many reviews of this lens and all of them spoke very highly of its quality and sharpness.  With my budget I knew a 300mm f/2.8 …
