On July 19th, 2014 my brother and I went up to the top of Mt. Evans. I drove my car up, but my brother rode his bike up there from Idaho Springs. Mount Evans is one of two 14,000 foot mountains that you can reach the top by driving. The other is Pike’s Peak, also in Colorado.
Here he is near the top of the mountain at about 14,000 feet elevation.
This is summit lake at about the 11,000 elevation mark. It is a beautiful lake with lots of surrounding wild flowers. It has no trees around it because it is above the treeline.
Near the top there was a herd of mountain goats and big horn sheep. They were in their summer molting and weren’t to pretty to look at…
The view from the peak was amazing.
This was a wonderful day of photography and cycling. I now have a goal to one day ride my bike up to the top of this mountain.
Here are some of the other photographs from the day.