Annalee Senior 2020 Take 1

I had the opportunity to be in Utah with in the last month to visit my new Grandson!  While I was there I was privileged to take my niece Annalee’s senior portraits. One of the advantages of being related to your “model” and the model to the photographer is you get to take lots of …


Camera Equipment Stolen

A week and a half ago from the 23-25th of August we went down to Forence OR, to our usual haunt Driftwood Shores resort, for a family reunion.  We had a great time on the beach, I took photographs of the Heceta Head Lighthouse Saturday morning at sunrise as tradition dictated.  Then Taunya and I …


Ward Family Take 2

After we had the group shots out of the way it was time for the individual and couple portraits.  The Ward’s are great, it’s nearly impossible to take a bad photo!  Not that I tried mind you πŸ™‚ It is also much easier to get great portraits when everyone is having a good time. I …


Ward Family Portraits

Had a blast this evening photographing my friends the Wards!  We spent a few hours over at the Eschbach Nature area.  I only had time tonight to edit a few of the photographs, but was anxious to share πŸ™‚  Stay tuned for the remainder of the portraits.

Yakima Canyon Eagles

Took the morning to drive up to the look out on I-90 overlooking the Ellensburg valley.  Was hoping to get some great sunrise shot of the valley and the mountains in the distance.  Unfortunately there is a storm coming in and it was cloudy and overcast.  So I didn’t even get my camera out. So …


The Johnson’s

Had the great privilege to take the family portraits for my friends The Jonhson’s. ISO 200, 50mm, f/7.1, 1/200sec The Grandkids with their Uncle. Was going pull out some of my favorites, but I think I will just share the gallery and let you pick your own πŸ™‚  4/11/2019 Added a group photo that I …


Playing on Ruby Beach

I separated out all of the photographs of the teacher’s quorum youth playing on the beach so that they could look at their photographs without having to read all of my mumbo jumbo photography musings. πŸ™‚ ISO 100, 195mm, f/5.6, 1/400 sec I love this silhouetted shot against the bright ocean. I can’t believe the …


Ruby Beach WA

Last summer as part of our teachers quorum high adventure we stopped at Ruby Beach on our way from Port Angeles, WA to Westport, WA.  This is a popular, beautiful, wide, sandy beach where a lot of people stop to enjoy the sand and the ocean.   ISO 100, 14mm, f/5.0, 1/800 sec This is the …


Mt Sneffels Revisit

Back in September of 2012 I had the distinct pleasure of going on a photography workshop in the San Juan Mountains of Colorado, with Nasim Mansurov of fame.  I had a different computer back then and so these photographs were on back up DVDs.  I recently downloaded them on to my current hard drive …


Red Tail Hawk

On New Year’s Day morning I was out with our chocolate lab, Lucy, and saw this Red Tail hawk up in the trees where we live. So I ran and got my camera and my 300mm lens which has the 1.4x teleconverter on it, to take some photos. The sun was behind a cloud bank …
