Sunrise is the most difficult time to photograph in my opinion. The lighting is changing very rapidly and the contrast is extreme between the places the sun is hitting and the places still in shadow. Zooming in on a section of the scene helps with this extreme contrast seen here with the mountain top just getting the sun and the valley still in shadow.

This is a few minutes later and the sun is hitting more of the valley as well as the mountain tops. This is a 4 photo panorama.

This shot was difficult to edit. The mountain is in the shadow of the clouds and the trees in the foreground are getting direct sunlight. Love this view of Mt. Sneffels.
This is the first of many installments of my awesome trip to southwest Colorado earlier this month with my friends Jagan and Shuttha. In the gallery below you can view some panoramas of the middle shot above in different stages of lighting from predawn through full light.