My new baby came today from Adorama!!! It was a new Nikon 24-120mm 1:4G VR lens. I was excited and nervous at the same time. I couldn’t wait to use this lens after the reviews I have seen, but on the other hand with some of the supposed quality control issues at Nikon I was nervous. Would I get a good lens or an off one?
Well so far with the 125 photos I’ve taken with it I am very, very pleased. One of the things I like about it right away is the vibration reduction. I have really missed vibration reduction ever since I noticed clarity issues with my old 18-200mm lens. This lens, when I do what I’m suppose to, like pick the right aperture and shutter speed, is very sharp. It focuses quickly and accurately. Granted not as fast as my 35mm prime lens but quick enough for action shots.
I hope to take some more photos with it tomorrow at soccer picture day. I’ll update you on how I assess its performance.