Lower Klamath NWR Part 1

For the Labor day holiday I took the opportunity with my friend Linda to visit the Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge once again.  The water this time of year is down significantly from the winter/spring time so most of the wildlife is located around Tule Lake.  There is an auto tour that you can take around this …


Mann Lake Wildlife

Even though the fishing was difficult at best, I had an enjoyable time photographing the wildlife and the surrounding area.  I’m not sure what type of duck this is in the above photograph yet.  If you know please let me know in the comments below. I like these ducks here with the black and white …


Creek Fishing

Today two of my friends, David and Matt, and I took off for an afternoon of creek fishing.  The sun was shining, but the wind was blowing and with the increased altitude it was  a little on the chilly side.  Both David and Matt had some success, me on the other hand was successful at lots of …


Lighthouses and Elk

The Monday of our Presidents day weekend vacation get away was going to be our travel day back home along the Oregon coast following Hwy 101.  Before we left Florence I wanted to get a few more shots in so I got up early and headed out to Heceta Head lighthouse. There are usually some sea lions out …


Shasta Valley Wildlife Refuge

The Shasta Valley Wildlife Refuge is located in between Montague, CA and the Shasta Valley.   I usually go out to this refuge for the fly fishing on Trout Lake and Bass Lake.    I’ve seen pheasants here before but didn’t see any this day. I was using my D7000 with my Nikon 300mm F/4 lens.  I had …


Nikon 300mm f/4 Review

Ever since I took the excursion over to the Lower Klamath NWR to photograph the wildlife I have been wanting to purchase the Nikon 300mm f/4 to make wildlife photography more enjoyable.  I read many reviews of this lens and all of them spoke very highly of its quality and sharpness.  With my budget I knew a 300mm f/2.8 …


Greenhorn Reservoir Fowl

It was a beautiful afternoon on Saturday and Christian and Daniel were bugging me to take them to ride their bikes.  So Tyler and I took the opportunity to take some photographs out at Greenhorn park at the reservoir, while they road around the reservoir on the paved trail.  It was about 2pm when we headed over …


Lower Klamath NWR photo revisit

A mentor friend of mine, Tom, was kind enough to make some helpful suggestions on the pictures I had taken last Saturday.  Here are five of the pictures after I followed his suggestions to make them better. I love the changes I was able to make to these photographs.  I think they look better.  What are …


Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge

In 1908 President Theodore Roosevelt established the Lower Klamath National Wildlife refuge as the first waterfowl refuge in the United States. I’ve had several fellow photographers tell me about shooting wildlife photographs at this refuge and the great experience it can be.  So early, well okay so it was about 10am when I got up…..honestly …
