Silver Lake in Utah

Back in 2012 I went up to Silver Lake with my sister Bonnie to take photographs.  Later that week I went to the San Juan Mountains for a photography workshop and forgot all about these images. Wish I would have had the long lenses I have now to photograph these two moose that were at …


Fall Flowers

Thought I would share some photographs I took of the flowers around our yard and also some of the fall decorations Taunya put out in our yard. These macro flower shots were taken with the Nikon 70-200mm lens. One tip I have that helps with the exposure of these macro shots is to use the …


St George Temple

This morning before we headed home from our bicycling weekend in St. George, we went around to a few places to get some sight-seeing in.  I wanted to get a photograph of the St. George Temple so I dragged my Brother and Dad over there first. They only protested slightly in jest. 🙂 I took …


Thor’s Well

Near Yachats, Oregon is a great geological/photographic site known as Thor’s well.  When we were out this past July for my sister-in-law’s wedding I took the opportunity on two different days to go up and photograph Thor’s Well. Thor’s Well is best photographed as the tide is coming in. Because of this the opportunities I …


Deep Woods

Here are some shots I took of Tiffany and Joshua under the arbor where they were married.  The light was coming through the trees and highlighting the flowers.  The Deep Woods event center owner/hostess/organizer/manager…. pointed the light out as I was taking guest shots and asked it I could capture a few shots with the …


Flower arrangements by Passionflower

Tiffany and Joshua had their flower arrangements done by Passionflower in downtown Eugene. They did an amazing job from the table arrangements to the corsages and boutonnieres to the cake flowers. The green vases were painted by Tiffany herself, the tree slabs were provided by the event center, Deep Woods. [Show as slideshow]